Navick Ogutu

Navick Ogutu

Expertise - Hiking - Birdwatching - CB Radios - Ham Radio - Rock Climbing - Skiing Introduction Avid hiker and hiking enthusiast based in Nairobi, Kenya with over 20 years of experience exploring the country's most famous trails and natural wonders. Experience Navick has hiked extensively across Kenya, traversing renowned trails like Mount Kenya, the Aberdare Ranges, Hell's Gate National Park, and the Maasai Mara. He provides hiking expertise on topics like outdoor skills, wildlife spotting, safety, and employing leave no trace principles. Education Navick studied Urban and Regional Planning at The Technical University of Kenya. A Note from Navick "I want to share awe-inspiring landscapes, slopes, and products for hiking, rock climbing, bird-watching and skiing--not just in Kenya but globally."